It's time to let you know...

Hey everyone!

I hope you're doing great!

I still receive some messages weekly asking me when will I do the next video and will update my collection blog. I know, I've been quite rare those last few months...

I don't mean to tell all my personal life but I bought a house last year, which needs A LOT of work and so, a lot of money. I quickly realized that I wouldn't be able to affort some new items for my collection, and to be honest, deep inside of me, I don't want to put so much money in a collection anymore.

And to tell the whole truth, I also decided to go for my biggest passion since always: to sing! I really don't want to waste time again - like I did until now- before expressing myself through music. I guess Gaga has something to do in that big step in my life :D She is one of the people who made me realize that I have to do it NOW, not tomorrow!
And you should do that too ;)

This is my biggest goal in life: make music and go as far as I can in that direction.

That's why I don't focus on my collection anymore, though you still are many to subscribe to my youTube channel, my blog and I still get emails very often. I really appreciate the support but I needed to tell you what I'm writing to you right now.

The fact that I stop collecting doesn't mean that I'm not a Lady Gaga fan anymore. NOT AT ALL! I'll see her during the BTW Ball Tour for her both shows in Belgium and I'm so excited about it! I can't wait to be there!

Lady Gaga is and will always be one of the most influent musician and people in my life.

Thanks for the support. I'll keep my blog, the facebook fanpage opened - I have no reason to close them - but be aware they won't be updated.

If you are interested in buying some items of my collection (except for some that I want to keep - just ask), please let me know! I don't want to keep everything and I'll be happy for you to get some items you want.

And if you are interested in following me in my new musical adventures,  I would appreciate you check out this blog, my reverbnation page, my facebook fanpage and become a fan. :)
All this is new, so you can only listen to one cover song but I'll have original songs and more things coming up soon!

Thanks for reading me and for being there!
Lots of love,
Stephanie (aka SomeOne)

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